Radical Markets

A couple of fairly crazy, free-thinking professors have formulated a new ideology they call Radical Markets. I’ve read their book — it’s a bizarre but compelling amalgam of Henry George, Adam Smith and extremist libertarianism. One of their insane ideas is something along the lines that no one should own anything, but that property should always […]

Libraries v. Big Streaming

Libraries vs. Big Streaming – an unfinished tale of copyright and disruption A desperate call appeared on the VideoLib listerv. “13th,” a much-lauded social-issue documentary, nominated for an Oscar, could not be shown in class, to groups, or placed in an archive of important 2016 films. It was showing only on Netflix, where no such […]

Not Collusion — Just Treason

The point is that it’s treason. Does anyone actually believe that the Trump campaign specifically guided the Russian hackers into the Dem’s servers? A quid pro quo maybe – you dirty trick Dems, we’ll treat you right. More probably just friendly and encouraging back and forth between Trump camp and Russians. And that’s TREASON, because […]